
When out and about, something often quite commonplace, a bud, leaf, a seed pod, a stone will snag my attention, provoking a stirring, the glimmer of another kind going about its own existence, in its own particular way.

Exploring print processes and materials for different colour, texture, line qualities, with variable degrees of control and allowing, I aim to embody these other vitalities in my prints. Beneath surfaces and conscious attention lie the traces of time, evidence of the forces of the elements and the cycles of growth and decay and these, as I peel a print from the plate I hope to find evoked.

Delighted that Cliff Edge Hope Point_Deal was selected by The Printmakers Council  for exhibition in "Inkscapes" at The Horsebridge Gallery, Whitstable, Kent 2024. This print was created using foraged chalk and sea-washed brick found on the beach below these cliffs.